Jumat, 22 Februari 2019

Whore? Is it worth?

source; pinterest 

WARNING; i wrote this not to state 'makanya omongan orang di filter, gausa semua dimasukkin'. It is one of my toxic thought that someday in order a person need to read something to calm his/her worst experience of line, you aren't alone. Bad people adore badmouthing yeah.
Kadang gue bertanya, dari segala macam kosakata dari kamus dunia kebun binatang, patutkah satu kata berlabel 'whore' yang ia lemparkan ke gue, hanya karena dia ga kenal gue?
Gue pernah memasuki fase dimana gue ga kenal siapa-siapa, gue harus push myself hard to introduce dan berkenalan dengan orang lain to get survive. And I'm pretty sure it all happened to you at least once or twice, lo masuk SD hingga kampus, terus lo masuk kerja, even kalo lo nikah, lo akan berbasa-basi dengan orang lain untuk kenalan, untuk menceritakan who you are and what is your most-talked-stories. Gapapa, normal banget and it should be. 
Udah berapa tahun lo hidup? Udah berapa ratus respon yang lo dapet ketika lawan bicara lo tau namamu, mendengarkan ceritamu, kemudian dengan waktu berlari, do they decide to get to know you better, or just sayin 'she is a good friend, gue kenal kok dia', or ignore and pretend that you don't even exist. Karena? Beda gaya hidup, beda selera, beda pendapat, beda prinsip hidup dan beda-beda lainnya. Alasan itu, adalah kewajaran yang seharusnya bisa di toleransi so that the last line of my statement above never can happen. Tapi kadang orang buta, akan muncul ucapan -lo jauh aja dari gue, gue tau aja nama lo, but don't you dare to create a conversation or a shitty chit chat, selain tugas kantor atau tugas kampus-. Gumam dalam hati, jelas. Gak mungkin diomongin kalau lo ga pengen nyulut api. Wow. 
Kenapa gue nulis judul sekasar itu? Because worst line I got, is whore. Bagian terjeleknya adalah, gue dikatain lacur dari mulut seseorang yang hanya tau nama gue siapa, asal gue darimana, tau gue sebulan, apa aja yang gue suka dan bisa kerjain dan dia gak bisa, she spilled that bitch word out. Apesnya lagi, didepan gue langsung di tempat publik. Wow. Lagi-lagi gue terkesima, betapa mudah dan menyenangkannya orang bisa menyindir kata-kata yang seharusnya dia pikir-pikir lagi, is she worth it to get that? What jerks else that I know? Dude, lo gatau gue dude. Gue, cuma suka banget nulis, crafting, blogging, video editing dan lo se enteng itu ngatain gue karena lo gabisa ngelakuin hal yang sama. Dude, you have your own talent, don't vomit your in-capability to others that can. Lo, ga kenal siapa gue, apa yang telah gue lalui, dan gue pun gapernah repot-repot deketin lo, jelekin lo depan orang lain, but why did you do that? Lagu Taylor Swift - Mean memang benar adanya.
Awalnya gue kesel banget dibilang gitu, but she just blocked the concrete wall there and didn't let me make it clear. Intinya, bodo amat gue sudah mengatakan pendapat gue tentang ketidaksukaan gue ke elo, jadi lo harus tau, bahwa lo emang se-whore yang gue katakan.

Years by, I know the way she talked that rude IS not only because I did the things she couldn't. Because the main point me being her whore version, IS, I was surrounded by people she wanted to be closed with. CK. And she did that to every girl she met that she doesn't fit in.

Is it worth to say whore?
Do you enjoy badmouthing?
Does badmouthing make you feel better than any other person? IYA?
You know what is whore translated into?
You know by talking someone whore, to a people you just met,
Isn't it a verbal sexual harrashment?
What's the jerk parameter that people could be labelled as whore?
Getting surrounded by guy friends, really?

By now, those guys circle you wish get attached into, became your closest friends? Are you even happy? If I do the same thing, who's the whore now?
Seems ironic, doesn't it? But it happens anyway

Jadi, readers,
What is the worst line you've ever get?

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