Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

kelas gue, kebo sumringah!

Haloo kawan setanah air Indonesia raya!
How's ur night? Boring? Of course, cause tomorrow is Monday - MONster DAY, right? -__-
Ngomong ngomong tentang senin pasti ga jauh jauh amat bahasannya dengan yang namanya SEKOLAH, yekan?
salah satu kegiatan rutin para pelajar, ya ya-.- #gaje

Tentang sekolah, pasti inget tentang KELAS! Nah kali ini gue bakal post tentang kelas gue tercinta selama lamanya = X4. Ya pake bahasa inggris sih *ceilaaah tapi lo lo mesti pada ngerti lah ;)
okeee? cekidot!

Addin Miftakh Pratama, Class leader, the guy who loves to make some jokes. I never see him looks so serious.

Aldila Mutiara Rodita, the girl who never looks so noisy, she's sooooo quite and calm ;) her note-book is the complete one.

Almira Defina Maghsri, the girl who looks funny, she's my friend since in Junior High School. Sartika's bestfriend ;D

Andre Ageng Satryo, the guy who has an unique talk style, loves Korean music so much, especially DBSK. He's so sensitive-__-

Aufa Syarifatun Nisa, yeah that's me! ;) a girl who loves twitter so much, obsessed in Harry Potter, being inspired by Taylor Swift's music and love very much with this boy => Greyson Chance. Anyway, I'm sensitive and moody, sometimes I could be really happy, laugh on every second, but sometimes I could be really bad! *Hey, about me is the longest one, isn't it? :O*

 Bayu Alvien Rinaldy, the guy who often disturbs Vanesa with one word "Samara". Everybody calls him 'oe' because 'oe' is the voice of baby. Baby => Bayi, similar as Bayu, incredible I think -_-"

Davin Handoko, Chinese boy, he's so stingy, but he knows everything about technology stuffs. He loves Kpop

Edo Aji Kuncoro Fanjar, the boy who always late, love to reading comics, sleep, and listening some musics on every lessons. *nggak ada foto dia, susah nyarinya :/*

Edwint Satrio Widhimiston, he loves sport I think, the only boy who become the chosen one in Jupul -.-

Eka Rosiana, the girl who has a loud voice, but I think it's beautiful when she starts to sing, she likes to talking arguments -_-

Fandi Andrian Cindra Putra, the one who looks like a vampire *peace*, he's very active on every events, extracurricular and so on. He's clever anyway and has the cutest face ever just like a girl! .-.v

Fikri Muhammad Fahmi, the guy who loves singing rock songs, his favorite quote is "WOLES". He likes to do something a little bit 'crazy'. His talk style is very very adorable, you'll like it if you hear it! ;D

Ghani Rifky Adian, the tallest boy, quiet. He likes to listening "Two is better than one" song. Oh yeah, I love that song too! ;)

Hanaa Rachmawati Sari, a treasurer. I like her when she read a poem *on history lesson*.

Itsna Noor Rahmawati,  I don't like her phone, it's too difficult to touch! *peace* ;p

Jihan Umar, she has a very beautiful voice, but it's really terrible when she starts to scream or laugh! Loves to doing something crazy with Vanesa.

Muhammad Ulul Azmi, he's so clever in social lesson! ;)

Muhammad Naufal Muflih, the guy who likes to play with Fikri, he has an 'innocent' face I think. Loves to reading comics-.-

Muhammad Noval, he likes to riding motorcycle quickly. Maybe the speedometer almost broken-.-

Nadia Dwi Pangestika, she's really really really smart!

Nadya Tiara Sabila, I love to talk with her sometimes ;) she's friendly, that's why she has a lot of friends, include on facebookxD

Nahdya Fikrunnisa Alfitriani,quite same as Tiara. She looks funny!;) *gak ada fotonya juga*

Neli Hidayati, her note-book's soooo tidy. She's creative.

Nur Tami Ni'mah, I don't know what's my opinion about her .-. too difficult to giving any opinion, lol

Putri Nurpravita, she's cute like chocochip. Lol. It's nice when I had conversation with her. ;)

Ronida Manik, loves Korea. She always bring comb everywhere she goes. She likes to share anything with me *lol*.

Roro Aulia Quinta Zashika, the girl who loves Justin Bieber, has a long last relationship :D she's nice and sometimes I feel better when shared about love with her ._.

Safira Nadwa Adauly, my bestfriend ^^d,  loves SUJU so much!

Salma Nailu Nahdah, she's my friend since Primary School, she loves to talking argument just like Eka!  ;)

Sartika Arie Kusumawarni, my friend since Junior High School, she's really clever especially in Math. She likes cat anyway ;)

Swastina Wardhani, she's great in Volley Ball!

Vanesa Mutia Assofa, everybody calls her Samara's twin. She has a cute face and cute voice, she's just CUTE! :D

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