Minggu, 05 Mei 2019

Feeling Twenty Two

Dedicate to twenty two area, whether going to be, am now, or was.
Here's I serve you my even number feeling experiences
In celebrating someone who turns out 'his/her' twenty two next step life
Happy twenty two for you

Being twenty two, for me means something
From years earlier, I always thought of even numbers and how it felt like
When I was fourteen, I walked into crossroads to get to school at 6.30 am
I was in rush, walked too fast and kept my head on black wristwatch
Thought am I gonna be late? I was a public transportation-user back then
The next day, I walked through pavement slowly
Making sure I could see a clear sky, or mountains over the south side
Or even breathe the fresh air, at that time my mind stated a line
'Two years from now, I'd be sixteen, I'd be wearing different uniform, even tho still walking the same path'
How it feels like to be sixteen?
I am living happily in fourteen, knowing what music that I love, listen it almost every day
Devoting all delicacy of new album called Speak Now
I know it's not food I'd call delicate, but this is my favorite best album
Knowing what movies I'd like to watch, waiting every Thursday to purchase new magazine
I am happy with what I love now, what else could make me happier then?
I thought that way, along with 'Hilary Duff - Sweet Sixteen' song

When I was sixteen, I learnt how heartbreak concern on your love story
How it shaped you into a person who fragile, burst into tears all the time
How cruel he was, or how dare he did
All that agony of being intrigued by egoism, and control freak
All that lame line, somehow made you cry instantly
I was experienced in what people called being Red, being brave to what you feel
It is truly a lesson, to suffer all these chic love story
And most girls felt the same too

The next year, I know it is normal to feel sad and it will be okay
I was in a busy street and busy line, opened up new book in life
Telling you stories of a girl drowned in pages of new chapter
Different people, experience, and that red thing
I still staring clear 3 pm sky, that made wonderstruck view of yellow pantone
I do enjoy singing till voice hurts, or being 6 am to 9 pm in school
OR those extra-hausting tasks, or extracurricular
I am confident with what I do now, what else things that could challenge me after these?

When I was eighteen, I didn't walk the same pavement anymore
Or I would love to say, I moved in a big old city with excitement
Thought it is the journey and city I've been waiting for
And it is really true that people can be so mean, can be careless, stabbed your friend in back
I saw how they badmouthing, and watched how pretty little liars / gossip girls coming real
I saw how people really throw rocks at things that shine, because they can't
Or they think they sparks everywhere, but honestly there are too much shit on the floor
Creating and developing your passion, because they have none
At this moment, being careless, or just focus do what you love should be your top priorities
Not what people told you what should you do, not what everybody does and you're just different
People who love you will help you
People who hate you still spreading hates and insist others to mock you anyway
They will brutally tell the world that you are a monster. But you are not a monster.
But your life doesn't define by what people told you
At this time, being truly yourself like you were just born, is what you should keep on mind
When you sit down, and relax
Remember to see that clear sky is still blue just like mine in 1996, or her in 1989
You just need to remember people will hate you somehow
But you can built a castle out of all the bricks they throw at you
And at that time I WAS really enjoy doing self-persistence
I was ignoring badmouth in a best way, and in other way
You are your own source of happiness
I am persistent with what I think now, what else could break me anyway?

When I was finally twenty, in the middle of looking for bright future, or seeking past isn't a cons afterall
Why choose to leave your past when you can rebuilt from it?
I thought that way in my long journey of what will I be doing for final project?
I was underrated since I got 'not A' too often
And thought that this will be my last to do college to make my dad proud
So I seek days to days, create plan and targets, a year before first defence
I prepared, but as always people told me that I am selfish and ambitious
Short story, I did it, but the story didn't end there.
Like I told you, people will mock you in any chances, as if it's never satisfy them
But thing is, this is your life, so my mind told me to 'eye's bright, chin's up, smile's on. I am talking to you, dear'
And so it goes, and so it built us an identity
A pride where you were finally spread happiness of surroundings
Father far away there, mother, brother and little sister
I think if it's something that make you proud, it is where you could strive to be your reputation

I am twenty two right now, and I have been waiting the time where my twenty two arrived since I was sixteen
It is really a mixture feelings of being happy, free, confused, terrifying, and excited at the same time
You have no idea where life leads you, you find that it doesn't matter how big or small the circle is, but the quality
People say, welcome to quarter life crisis. But I say, you can choose to be happy facing it, or not.
You find that you are the creator of your happiness and you are responsible for it, and that's freaky awesome
A question, are you happy right now? Blessed? What makes you happy?
Or in deeper and tougher question I would love to ask "Are you happy being your own ME! ?"
I also find out that love is really a ruthless game unless I play it good and right
And I am waiting a little chance I know it won't pursued by anyone or anything, not even me
It is a phase where heart, body, and soul, but mostly mind traveled a lot, anywhere it takes me
Happiness is matter, it brings you inner peace. And when you got that inner peace, some people will say 'you are cool', and just smile on it. Of course, it is in you that know how hard to passed your dragon battle
But not only joy or happiness that I talked about, I learn in this age, little attitude is matter too
And it's beautiful if you don't forget

Lastly, if you're happy being twenty two
Step into a daylight and let it go
You are you.

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